What is Yoga?

The word ‘Yoga’ means ‘union’, to ‘unite’ ourselves with the universe. The connection between mind and body, breath and movement mean that by practicing yoga, you can switch off the internal ‘chattering’ in the mind and channel your thoughts into your asaans (postures) and pranayama (breathing).

Yoga is a way to achieve a leaner, more toned, more streamlined body yet it can also become a way of life and a commitment to a new and better way of living. The combination of calming the mind, whilst stretching, cleansing, and detoxifying the body can be rejuvenating and a natural stress reliever. Give it a try.

Benefits of Yoga

  • Yoga increases muscular strength and tone and makes your body strong, supple, and healthy.
  • Yoga improves your posture and increases your flexibility.
  • Yoga helps to quieten your mind, making you feel calmer and less stressed. This in turn aids relaxation and sound sleep.
  • Yoga improves your balance and helps you to stay focused.
  • Yoga improves your digestion and helps you to make healthier life choices.
  • Overall yoga makes you feel better and encourages a positive outlook.

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